Did my usual cheap doughnut breakfast again this morning before heading up to 2nd and Union Streets to catch bus 174 out to the Museum of Flight . The museum is 20 minutes south of the city on the bus and the last of the city pass tickets I will use (I am leaving tomorrow so I will not get to the zoo). The museum has a number of aircraft on display, ranging from hang gliders to air force fighters to an Apollo exhibit. It wasn’t really my cup of tea, but filled in some time. Typically, the main exhibit, an Air Force One Presidential Plane, was closed for maintenance.
I caught the bus back into town and had some lunch then started to make my way out to the Seattle Asian Art Museum . I walked for about half an hour and then realized I wasn’t event half way there, when I came across a huge outdoors store, REI. I went in and had a look around for a while. They have an indoor climbing wall, which I watched people climb for ages.
Afterwards I headed to the waterfront, where I purchased a ticket for tomorrow to Victoria in British Columbia , Canada . I have no idea what’s there, but a 2 hour ferry ride sounds like a good way to get there, just hope I can get here before the 7am departure.
I went back to the hostel via the Pike Place Markets to again eat my banana roll dinner.

I went back out later that night to take some photos (Pike Place lit up at night, the bands listed at the Showbox where I saw the Rollins Band, and steam coming out of manholes). When I got back to the hostel I rang Amy again and spoke forever. It was over 2 hours we had spoken for and we made many a plan for the near future, like when I come back to see her after she has been to Italy and maybe a cross country trip together.
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