Once again the day started out slowly for the house after last night's shenanigans.
We got up, and dressed, and the 5 of us went to church. We went to the Lighthouse Church of God, which is like no other I have ever been to. There is no preaching, just singing and rejoicing. While we heard one passage from the bible from one of the choir girls, and community announcements from a lady, who also welcomed us as visitors to the church, the rest of the time was spent singing along with the choir and live band. An experience I hope never to forget.
After church we picked up some groceries and got a lift back to the house in time for a quick snack before we walked down to the harbor to meet Scotty, Jason and Kim as we are headed out for the afternoon on Scotty’s boat. After filling up with gas, Scotty took us to Ben Bay , which is on the northeast tip of Eleuthera. The 45 minute trip took us past the northern tip of Harbour Island , Jacob Island , Mann Island and Pierre ’s Island , before getting out into the ocean around the northern tip of Eleuthera. We docked the boat just off the beach and were all straight in the water for a swim. We spent a few hours here either in the water, fishing, snorkeling, shell collecting or sun baking. I was so relaxed I didn’t want to come back.

Ben Bay, Eluethra, Bahamas
The ride home was a bit rough, so Jason and I had to be in the front of the boat to keep it stable. We were in sight of the Government Dock, when all of a sudden the outboard motor just stopped. We had run out of gas. We were still about 500 meters to the nearest pier, so Scotty and Jase got to the front and started pulling (luckily the water was only chest deep), the girls got out the back and were kicking, while I stood in the boat and rowed / pushed with a large stick. We did this for about 20 minutes until another boat came past with Scotty’s mates in it. They towed us to the nearest pier and took Scotty to get some more fuel. It took nearly an hour for him to return, and once back, ready to go, the engine still wouldn’t start – after a few attempts and adjustments the boat started and we cruised back into the main dock.
Out of Gas
We walked back up to the house, showered, and then started to prepare for dinner.
We decided that a BBQ on the beach was the go. David and India gave us some citronella lamps and we took a Webber, a table and some food down to the cabanas in front of Hibiscus Hill and cooked up a treat. Sausages, rissoles, tuna salad and potato bake – all too good. Kim, Jase, Reggae, Marie, Suze, Kate, Scotty, Money, Danard and I were all well fed and extremely exhausted. We packed everything up and were back in the house and in bed by 11pm. A great photo day – hope they all turn out.

Me, Marbs & Regs @ Pink Sands Beach

Looking Up To Hibiscus Hill

The Barbie, Pink Sands Beach, Bahamas
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