Once again I have a nice long sleep in this morning.
When I get myself organized, I decided to walk to Chautauqua Park , which takes 45 minutes walking, heading southwest. Here there are some hiking trails, which take you up the hillside near the formation of rocks known as Three Irons (because of their shape). The combination of my complete lack of fitness and the thin air – I am over a mile above sea level – sees me make it only half way up the trail I have chosen. The view from this height, back to Boulder , is quite spectacular. So after a few photos of the surrounding landscape, it was back down the hill.
Foothills Of The Rockies, Boulder, CO

3 Irons, Boulder, CO
I walked a different way back to town, through a suburb, which is dominated by the university and its students.
I stopped at the same Irish bar as Thursday night to have lunch. An enjoyable steak with endless cokes was just what I needed. It was 4pm then, so I headed back to the apartment. I stopped to buy a sandwich for dinner and some snacks before making myself comfortable in front of the television again for the evening.
As per usual I had a marathon phone call with Amy. I am so dying to see her again that it’s driving me insane. Not long now.
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