Monday, August 7, 2000

Tucson, AZ to Midland, TX

We left early for the 600 plus mile drive to Midland Texas to see Amy’s step sister, Jenny, and her family, husband David and son Ian.  Amy drove and I slept most of the way (including all of New Mexico).  We stopped at a diner, Angie’s just outside El Paso, Texas for lunch.  We were the only ones in the place and we got ourselves a huge, great Mexican feast.  

We arrived in Midland at around 8pm.  Jenny took us to David’s restaurant, Wild Scallions, for dinner.  David owns and is the Executive Chef here.  The food is a fine dining American cuisine, and the best meal I’ve eaten in what seems like forever.  Back from the restaurant and, I don’t know how we managed it, we were up all night chatting.

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