I went into town and met up with Lewy, Jane, Beno, Darv, Darren and Emily to have lunch.
Preparations at the wedding were done at Larry’s before going to the Britt via Beno and Jane’s cottage. It is here that I first meet A. I was awestruck, and unable to speak. But she snobbed me. Not a god sign, but things can only get better from here.
The weather today is perfect, not a cloud to be seen. It’s not hot by any means, but no sign of the cool, wet weather we have been having – a great day to be married outside. The ceremony was held on the grass in front of the stage. As the groomsmen (Cisco, Josh, Kern and Luvo) waited with the minister, Mr and Mrs Nagle were the first to appear, followed by Fabrizio and Mrs Neuman (who hasn’t stopped smiling for the last week). The bridesmaids walked down the isle, one by one, and through the crowd. Lastly was Casi –who looked radiant - and her Dad. The ceremony felt peaceful and very loving – with teary bride and bridesmaids included. When the bride and groom kissed a loud cheer was to be heard – not an unhappy person to be found anywhere. As the wedding party went off to have photos taken, guests milled around the seated area to start on drinks and nibblies. There were around 130 people at the wedding and I’m pretty sure I met all of them. Everyone got on well, beginning what was to be an awesome night (especially for me). I’m on a table with John G, Sadie, Mira, Jonathan, Matt, Darren and A (which was a set up by Casi, as I later found out). Just before dinner, when the Nagles returned, the large doors on the stage were drawn back to reveal the semi-outdoor dining area. Dinner was a buffet, with salmon and steak, with wine provided from John G’s vineyard (very handy having him at your table. Glug, glug). Once the band started the tables were cleared and everyone was dancing – including a Britt-long conga. The night ended with A and I slow dancing as Chris and Casi left in a vintage car.

Casi & Her Dad Walk Down The Isle

Coasty Boys

Reception Dinner @ The Britt Jacksonville, OR

A, Benno, Jane, Darv, Me & Belinda Between The Wedding & The Pub
A & I On The Night We Met
From the Britt we headed back to the Bella Union to kick on. I think Chris and Casi were the only people from the wedding who were not there.
Once the pub closed we headed to a house party a few blocks away.
In the early hours of the morning I walked A back to the cottage where she was staying. What a night – and I wonder what will come of A and I?
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