Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Sunshine Coast

So we've been in Australia for 2 weeks, doing the family thing. On the 7th Mom, was flying back to the US, so I booked flights for me, B & L to go to the Sunshine Coast and catch up with some friends who I haven't seen since at least 5 years ago when I was here last.

We only had a couple hours wait with Robbie before we were on any easy 2 hour flight to Maroochydore. We were picked up by Tawnie and taken to the Kern's house. Kern, Robbie, Luke, & Luvvo I've known for 35 years, and they've known each other longer, so even after 5 years, when we get together, it's like it was last weekend. Kern has a couple of boys, SK & BK, around B &L's age. They were weirdly wary of each other for about an hour, when they started playing a game on the trampoline. That was it - they were as good a friends as the adults were. They were inseparable for the weekend. After spending the afternoon at Alexandra Headland Beach, we had an evening in at the Kerns and were joined by the Luvvos, the Marshes and Creany. Just fantastic to see everyone.

S, L, B & B at Alexandra Headland Beach, Queensland

Saturday morning was BK's soccer match in the morning, then we headed up to the Cooroy Bowls Club. Taken over by Your Mates Brewery, this casual Bowls Club does a barefoot Saturday afternoon for all and sundry. So about 20 of us had a bowl and a couple of beers. B & L did really well for 2 kids that had never heard of bowls before today. The did Grandddad Great proud. Fun afternoon in a Queensland "winter".

Your Mates Brewery @ Cooroy Bowls Club

After bowls it was off to Noosaville and a night at the Luvvos. As soon as we got there, all the boys (kid boys, not adult boys - gotta distinguish that now) headed into the backyard and were playing soccer like theyd known each other 24 years - not 24 hours. Luvvos, Kerns, Marshes, Creans, Robbie and even Hayden and his 2 girls enjoyed the evenings barbie, music and catch up around the fire. A tinge of sadness that I don't do this more often couldn't beat the overwhelming happiness of the night for me. Catching up with great mates and a second generation forging new friendships. Very cool. We all stayed in various parts of the Luvvo house. A couple of caravans parked in the driveway, B, L & I had the guest house, while the main house filled out with a tom other people.

A barbeque breakfast made for a slow start to Sunday morning, but once we cleaned up, it was back to the Kerns for lunch before Kern, Robbie & I went out to Mudjimba Beach and hung out for the afternoon. The kids were somewhere in their own world. From there we took Rob back to the airport, and then spent the evening at the the Kerns in Buderim.

Me, Bob & Kern @ Mudjuimba Beach

On Monday Queensland kids went back to school after their winter break. This was the perfect opportunity for L, B & I to go to Australia Zoo. Just an absolute ripper of a day. Perfect weather and barely anyone in the park. We saw literally every animal as B controlled the map. And we spent a full 7 hours in the park. The highlight was wathcing the boys feeding and patting the kangaroos - not something they'd get to do most days. Also was a big fan of the Crocoseum. You can definitely see the legacy of Steve Irwin when you seen the show they put on. One last, exhausted night with the Kerns. What a treat! It was special to finally meet his boys and see the life they have set up for themselves on the Sunshine Coast. And to see our boys mucking around like we did as kids (and in out 20's) was just the best.

L & B @ Australia Zoo

Obligitory Koala Picture @ Australia Zoo

Kangaroo Feeding Area @ Australia Zoo

On the Tuesday morning, after the Kerns left for work and school we were picked up by Aunty Trish and driven out to Mooloolabah, where we met my cosuin and her family for lunch at the surfclub. It was great to spend time with Trish, Kara, Cameron and Archie. Again, these trips back to Australia only come about once in a blue moon, so any chance for a catch up is a blessing. Trish drove us out to the airport and the boys and I said farewell to a magic 4 nights on the Sunshine Coast - their first venture ouside Sydney and the Central Coast, and only my 2nd visit there (the first in nearly 30 years).

Till next time

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