Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Mum & Craig's Visit

Sunday was a day exploring the Strip and then I had to work on Monday. Because we didn't do enough driving Saturday, this morning Mum, Craig and I drove out to the Grand Canyon National Park. It's a good 4.5 hour drive, which was extended when the main road leading into the Canyon was closed because of an accident. We were diverted and extra 1.5 hours through Flagstaff. While the drive felt endless, I'm glad we got to go this way. The weather was literally freezing and we drove through and around snow covered mountains. I think all of us were in awe. 

And then you get to the Grand Canyon. It never ceases to amaze me how vast this place is. There is no photo that has ever done this place justice. It is just breathtaking. And Mum and Craig's jaws rarely left the ground. We spent a few hours here just walking on top of the rim, taking in the various vistas. I feel blessed to have had several opportunities to see this natural wonder. Again, I don't think I've been that cold in a long time, but I'm glad we got out there. 

We got back about 11pm and just crashed.

Craig & Mum @ The Grand Canyon (and yes, it was that cold)

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