Friday, May 24, 2024

Las Vegas

After 5 years it's back to Vegas again. Again, Punk Rock Bowling has sent me back to my former home. The appeal of Devo, Madness, Billy Bragg & Rocket From The Crypt have once again bought me out of festival retirement and into the realm of 3 days of rock.

I fly out early Thursday and Erik picks me up for the airport. Lunch is at Sickie's Garage at Town Square with Hogie, one of my oldest friends in Vegas. Great to see him, and all is well with him. He's out of the hotel industry and all seems well with him and family.

I have Erik's car and decide to just drive around to all the places that bring back memories. Out Desert Inn Road to the old apartment, and the house in Summerlin where we bought the boys home. Went to the Golden Knight's practice facility, where there was nothing when we lived there, to pick up a couple of souvenirs for the boys. After lunch I just drove straight up The Strip. The first thing I came across was the Pinball Museum. I loved this place when we lived here. It has moved, and is 3 times the size it used to be. I did pretty well to limit myself to just an hour here. Driving up the Strip is surreal. I find it hard to grasp I used to live in this town, and worked on The Strip for a long time. I drove all the way to downtown and just marvelled at how I thought he town was physically bigger that what it was when I lived here.

For dinner Erik & I went to Frank & Fina's, an old favorite of A & I's (actually the first restaurant the boys ever went to). Great meal still. I'm glad they survived the pandemic and can still dish out a great meat and great service.

On Friday, Erik had to work.  India drove him so I had his car again.  I started the morning at Jamms, another Vegas favorite from way back.  A great breakfast with the same server who was there when we left 11 years ago.  Did some more just driving around, mostly on the east side near UNLV and ended up driving west out to Red Rock Resort, and got out to have a look.  It looked the same, though I don't think any of the restaurants were the same.  All casinos look alike to me, so there was no need to be there, besides nostalgia.  I drove out to Red Rock Canyon, waiting for Erik to call to pick him up from work.  I thought I'd drive through the park and enjoy Vegas' surrounding mountains.  But now you have to have a reservation.  Wasn't ready for that, so I just drove back to Erik's.  Of course as I'm pulling in to his place he calls to come and get him, so I turn around and do so.

That evening we meet Dave at Firefly, near our first apartment, for dinner.  The food is as good as I remember, even though they are in a different location.  Great to see Dave, who I haven't seen since last Punk Rock Bowling.  It's great to see him doing well, and that his spa business is back on the up.  We'll spend the next few days with him at PRB.  He recommends going to the Punk Rock Museum, so I think we'll check it out before tomorrow's show.

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