Saturday, August 20, 2022

Litchfield Beach

The end of another summer and it was back down to our favorite beach spot for a week of sun and sea.  We did nothing exceptional but basically went from condo, to beach (where again we used the cabana provided by Sand & Sea), to pool with variations only out to dinner (Hot Fish Club in Murrell's Inlet - ok but we always forget how overpriced Murrel's Inlet is, J. Peters - a first time bar & grill - a good meal, Chive Blossom - every year, always the best and BisQit - another new casual place and we are big fans) and our favorite donut (Parlor) and ice cream places (Paradice).  

So little did we do, that I only took 1 photo of the week.

MDB&L @ Paradice Ice Cream, Pawleys Island, SC

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