Sunday, January 15, 2012

Tool & Intronaut @ Mandalay Bay Events Center

Again another favorite band – Tool – and a long time between shows – nearly 15 years. What is wrong with me?

Having only seen 1 show at Mandalay Bay Events Center before (Van Morrison) I was a bit skeptical because of the venue. (I don’t like arenas). But we were on the floor so how bad could it be…. Well seats on the floor bad. But it’s Tool so that will make up for everything.

We were in early, not realizing there was an opening band. Intronaut were good, but not my cup of tea. Good for them though – hardcore Tool fans seemed to like them and it was not a bad half hours / 6 songs work.

Intronaut Setlist Mandalay Bay Events Center, Las Vegas, NV, USA, North America Winter Tour 2012
Tool came onstage just after 9pm and the sold out crowd was on fire from the start. Hooker With A Penis was a great start to the night. Sound in the venue was really good and though Maynard was off on some of the notes and words, the band sounded great. Stinkfist had a ton of power and another great show. And 46 & 2 is another personal favorite that sounded awesome. But the highlight for me came during Lateralus, when Buzz & Dale of the Melvins came on stage. Buzz tore up a wild solo before Dale & Danny went apeshit during a drum duet. Dale providing a blaze of arms, and out-banging Danny with only half the drum kit. Finishing with Ænema was great as well (you think I like that album?).

My gripes were :
a) only 11 songs – yeah 100 minutes were great but how about another classic instead of an extended intro to Schism
b) seats on the floor – what’s that about Mandalay Bay ?
c) Tool, Do you remember albums called Undertow & Opiate?
d) If you are going to bring the greatest band, The Melvins, to play one song, why not get them to open for you. I’m a cranky old man sometimes.

Regardless this was a great show – as have the other 3 Tool shows I’ve seen. Musically they are a great band and the visuals added to the music are like they are made for each other – perfect. I hope they come back around soon (and in a smaller venue – how great would that be?). Until then I hope I don’t wait another 15 years.

Tool Setlist Mandalay Bay Events Center, Las Vegas, NV, USA, North America Winter Tour 2012
The Crap Facts
This is my 323rd concert.
This is my 2nd concert at Mandalay Bay Events Center.
This is my 119th concert in Las Vegas.
This is my 119th concert in Nevada.
This is my 131st concert in the USA.
Intronaut are the 388th band I've seen.
This is my 4th Tool concert.

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