Saturday, November 27, 2021

Home Alone & Charlotte Symphony Orchestra @ Belk Theatre

Because where not going to watch every version a million times over the next month, we also head uptown to see Home Alone on the big screen, with the Charlotte Symphony Orchestra playing in the accompanying sound track.

We did this a while back with one of the Harry Potters, and it was a great night.  This would prove the same for Home Alone.  We had great seats on the main floor.  This was good for me, as the orchestra played directly under the screen, it the line of sight.  It was as good to see them perform as it was to see the movie.  At Harry Potter we were on the balcony, and I tended to forget the orchestra was playing because your first sights were the big screen.

I'm hoping they'll do this again with another movie next Christmas.  We'll be back for it for sure.

DLM&B, Home Alone at Belk Theatre, Charlotte

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